The Gold Standard of Boudoir: You
Boudoir is intimate. It's a vulnerable but empowering experience that lets you, quite literally, strip away the layers of protection we wrap around ourselves and find strength in our own self.
But vulnerability is scary. And vulnerability with who is, essentially, a stranger (no matter how many coffees we grab prior) with a giant lens pointed at you can be terrifying. On top of that, there's "proof" after the fact: your pictures.
For some, seeing their pictures is the most empowering part of the whole experience. For others, it's the most terrifying. That's okay. It's understandable that there's apprehension and fear around seeing your body in a way that society has told us is wrong, sinful, promiscuous, and private.
But that's also a reason to do it. Your body isn't "wrong." It's not "sinful." It's strong and beautiful and has carried you through life. You deserve to see it in all its glory and to celebrate its strength and beauty.
"But I'm not model-sized."
This is the rebuttal I got from a friend when I offered her a free boudoir session when I first started out. I was floored. She's one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen but she didn't see what I saw. All she did see was that she didn't look like a Victoria's Secret Angel or one of those Instagram models that pop up everywhere. She didn't see that she carried on her skin and in the definition of every scar and muscle the story of her life as a young woman who has persevered through neuro-complications all throughout her childhood but who still made her dreams come true as a young professional figure-skater. As shocked as I was, I also understood.
We're our own worst critics. We compare ourselves to what we think is the gold standard all the time. We try to find images of others to envision what we want to look like but we often look for what we're told is beautiful. Even if we have "achieved" that look, we still don't feel confident and happy with ourselves because we associate our looks with our success and happiness—that's often, if not always, not the case. Our happiness and success is all about our own achievement and the things we love. If that just happens to be about your body, go for it but just remember to do it for the right reason; it's not the end all and be all of your happiness and success.
But boudoir isn't about anyone else but you. You are the gold standard.
Trust me, the most beautiful sight in the whole world is seeing yourself in your own skin with confidence in your own beauty and strength.
I see this every time I photograph someone. It's so beautiful, I can't explain it in a way that does it justice. This is the reason I shoot boudoir: I want others to find this confidence and love for themselves and the smiles I see? Nothing could ever compare.
Once you do it the first time, you'll get addicted to your own self.
So do it. Take the plunge. Love yourself.